Healthy Tips for the Summer


Summer is here, and so are the rays.

Here are some great tips for the summer.

  • Wear sunscreen 30+ spf or higher
  • Apply every 20- 30 min.
  • Apply right after swimming, even if it says waterproof!
  • Wear sun wear ( including Shnozzee)
  • Stay in the shade, still wearing sunscreen
  • Wear a sunproof hat
  • Get a sunproof baby tent for the beach
  • Don’t forget your ears and back of neck. Whoops! Then ouch!
  • Use Aloe Vera on burns, slather it on. Or better yet don’t get burnt
  • Don’t forget sun reflecting off of water is brutally strong. That's to all you fisher people ( politically correct) out there. Wear your Shnozzee and sunscreen.
  • Stay away from tanning beds, becoming #1 skin cancer causing if used regularly before you were 40. Anyways you don’t want to look like someone’s leather handbag, do you?

I'de love to hear your suggestions! Get in touch and let me know how you protect yourself from the sun.



Smart woman with her Shnozzee!
Smart woman with her Shnozzee!

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